01. The Alphabet Song
02. Bingo
03. Wheels on the Bus
04. Hokey Pokey
05. Old MacDonald Had a Farm
06. If You are Happy and You Know It
07. Jingle Bells
08. Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
09. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
10. In Outer Space
11. Zack Went Over the Mountain
12. Rain,Rain,Go Away
13. We Like to Play Sports and Games
14. I’m a Little Teapot
15. Having Fun Today
16. Jelly on a Plate
17. The Muffin Man
18. I Love Bubbles
19. Happy New Year
20. Once I Caught a Fish Alive
21. Clap Along with Me
22. Go Away
23. Humpty Dumpty
24. Twinkle,Twinkle,Little Star
25. Skidamarink
26. The Hungry Little Spider
27. We’re Playing on the Beach
28. Pat a Cake
29. Row, Row, Row Your Boat
30. Yes, I Can
31. Zack and a Bee