导演: 高木 淳
类型: 动画 / 儿童
制片国家/地区: 日本
语言: 英语
首播: 2008(日本)
集数: 54
单集片长: 5分钟
又名: 贝贝生活日记

蓝色小考拉的剧情简介 · · · · · ·
超級可愛的「貝貝生活日記Penelope」,是由創造出知名的「Gaspard et Lisa」系列作品的法國夫妻檔安.居特曼(Anne Gutman)、喬治.哈朗斯勒本(Georg Hallensleben)共同創作系列繪本,並由日本製作團隊改編成電視動畫,結合原作油畫風格筆觸搭以最新的3D動畫技術。獨特的油畫筆觸風彩,可愛的無尾熊造型,色彩鮮明的用色,加上主角貝貝迷糊可愛的個性,無不讓人為之瘋狂!

01. Penelope gets dressed all by herself
02.penelope at school
03. Penelope has a bath
04. Penelope makes sketches
05. Penelope plants a seed
06. Penelope rides a bike
07. Penelope feeds the Animals
08. Penelope goes shopping
09. Penelope in the snow
10. Penelope opens a shop
11.Penelope goes to the beach
12.Penelope play at teh seaside
13.Penelope is polite
14.Penelope playing with colours
15.Penelope sings
16.Penelope its delicious
17.Penelope tidies her room
18.Good night Penelope
19.Hide and seek
20.Grandp’s Birthdays
21.Penelope makes biscuits
22.Milo and Madeleine
23.Penelope takes a nap
24.Penelope carnival
25.Christmas present
26.School trip
27.Merry christmas Penelope
28.Penelope christmas party
29.Let’s close the door Penelope
30.Penelope learns different shapes
31.Let’s be quiet Penelope
32.Let’s hold hands Penelope
33.It’s time for bed Penelope
34.Penelope builds a birdhouse
35.Penelope’s birthday
36.Penelope goes skating
37.Penelope names some piglets
38.Penelope’s sweet dream book
39.Happy halloween
40.Penelope’s museum
41.Fun with the weather
42.Penelope’s family concert
43.Penelope goes fish with grandpa
44.The autumn harvest party
45.Penelope’s first errand
46.Penelope helps dad
47.Penelope catches a cold
48.Penelope goes to town
49.Penelope exchanges letters
50.When igrow up
51.Penelope and her friends in the summer time
52.Mom’s birthday
53.Where do they come from
54.Penelope at the pool



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