

Unit1 Little Bee
Unit2 Peek-a-book
Unit3 Gobble, Gobble
Unit4 Now Tall,Now Small
Unit5 Four Little Baby Ducks
Unit6 Cats
Unit7 Walking, Walking
Unit8 Teddy Bear
Unit9 Little Mouse
Unit10 London Bridge is Falling Down
Unit11 Johnny Hammers
Unit12 The Chimney

Unit1 the good morning train
Unit2 I’m hungry
Unit3 apple tree
Unit4 Apple
Unit5 We are marching
Unit6 Here is the beehive
Unit7 where is thumbkin
Unit8 round the garden
Unit9 baby bye
Unit10 dance your fingers
Unit11 clap your hands
Unit12 round and round

Unit1 Sitting on the Carpet
Unit2 Ring Around the Roses
Unit3 Friends
Unit4 The Ants Go Marching
Unit5 Two Little Black Birds
Unit6 Five Little Sausages

Unit7 One,Two,Bukle my shoe
Unit8 Jack and Jill
Unit9 Eentsy Weentsy Spider
Unit10 Five Rabbits
Unit11 Three Little Monkeys
Unit12 Twinkle,Twinkle,Twinkle
Unit1 I love to go to school
Unit2 Lazy Mary
Unit3 Row Row Row your boat
Unit4 I’m a little teapot
Unit5 This little pig
Unit6 Hickory Dickory Dock
Unit7 Ali Baba’s Farm
Unit8 How much is that Doggy in the window
Unit9 I can hear
Unit10 There is thunder
Unit11 Rain Rain go away
Unit12 You are my sunshine

Unit1 Three bule pigeons
Unit2 Pull the rope
Unit3 Plants
Unit4 Jack ,Be Nimble
Unit5 The Mulberry Bush
Unit6 What do you want to be
Unit7 Looby Loo
Unit8 Pussycat
Unit9 The bear went over the mountain
Unit10 What do Monsters do?
Unit11 If you’re happy
Unit12 We wish you a Merry Chistmas

Unit1 Who stole cookies from the cookie Jar?
Unit2 Charlie over the ocean
Unit3 Candy shop
Unit4 The Gingerboy
Unit5 The wheels on the bus
Unit6 Little peter rabbit
Unit7 Over in the meadow
Unit8 Traffic rules
Unit9 Jack O Lanterns
Unit10 I see the wind
Unit11 Three brown bears
Unit12 The more we get together
Unit1 S M I L E
Unit2 Baby bumblebee
Unit3 I had a loose tooth
Unit4 In a Cabin in a Wind
Unit5 She’ll be coming around the mountain
Unit6 I went upstairs
Unit7 The big drum
Unit8 Raindrop song
Unit9 Egges
Unit10 The green grass grows all around
Unit11 A chubby little snowman
Unit12 I am special

Unit1 All together now
Unit2 Fiddle –De -Dee
Unit3 The life of a buttlefly
Unit4 If moon was cookie
Unit5 There was an old lady who swallowed a fly
Unit6 Cover your mouth
Unit7 April fool
Unit8 Today is sunday
Unit9 The chicken dance
Unit10 I love trash
Unit11 I wish t were a little bar of mud
Unit12 Skidamarink



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